4 April 2023
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Improved $^6$He beam production at CRIB with MWDC and degraders

Not scheduled
Accelerator and Instrumentation


The second 6He beam production test at CRIB was carried out in Oct. 2022 as a two-day Machine Study (MS-EXP22-05), to improve the
7 effective intensity and purity of the 6He beam by introducing wire chambers (MWDC) and degraders. We report the result of the test, presenting the comparison of beam parameters with the previous test.

Primary authors

Hidetoshi Yamaguchi (Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo) Prof. Michele Sferrazza (ULB) Seiya Hayakawa Kodai Okawa Qian Zhang (Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo) Silvio Cherubini (University of Catania and INFN-LNS) Thomas Chillery Mr Shoichiro Masuoka (Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo) Nobu Imai (CNS) Kentaro Yako

Presentation materials

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