28 August 2023 to 1 September 2023
NAOJ (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Cryogenic hydrogen gas target for a measurement of neutron inelastic scattering in $\mathrm{^{12}C}$

31 Aug 2023, 14:30
Large Seminar Room (Subaru Building) (NAOJ (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan))

Large Seminar Room (Subaru Building)

NAOJ (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)

Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan


Shumpei Yamazaki (CYRIC Tohoku University)


The triple alpha process is an essential reaction in nucleosynthesis. In a hot and dense environment, the reaction rate can be enhanced by neutron upscattering process. In that process, the Hoyle state in $\mathrm{^{12}C}$ decays into the bound states by giving the excitation energy to neutrons instead of radiation decay. We plan to measure a cross section of the inverse reaction in order to determine the enhancement factor. For the measurement, we developed a cryogenic hydrogen gas target to produce a high-intensity monoenergetic neutron beam. The hydrogen gas is cooled to below 77 K by a GM refrigerator and approximately 10 MeV neutron beam is produced by $\mathrm{^{1}H(\mathrm{^{13}C},n)\mathrm{^{13}N}}$ reaction at $E_{^{13}C}=72.7\ \mathrm{MeV}$. We performed a thermal test of the cryogenic target with heaters to simulate the primary beam energy loss. In addition, we also conduct a performance test of the target using an actual beam. I will report the development of the gas target and results of two performance tests.

Primary author

Shumpei Yamazaki (CYRIC Tohoku University)


Masatoshi Itoh (CYRIC Tohoku University) Satoshi Adachi (CYRIC Tohoku University) Shohei Yonekura (CYRIC Tohoku University) Genki Hosoya (CYRIC Tohoku University) Ryota Saito (CYRIC Tohoku University) Takahiro Kawabata (Department of Physics, Osaka University)

Presentation materials