18 April 2022
Asia/Tokyo timezone

The study on beam viewer photography technique of the emittance monitor for the accelerated ion beams by AVF Cyclotron

Not scheduled
Accelerator and Instrumentation


This is the report of the study on beam viewer photography technique of the emittance monitor for the accelerated ion beams by AVF Cyclotron.

Primary authors

Yasuteru Kotaka Keita Kamakura (CNS, UTokyo) Hidetoshi Yamaguchi (Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo) Nobu Imai (CNS) Yasuhiro Sakemi (CNS) Susumu Shimoura (Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo) Prof. Kichiji Hatanaka (RCNP) Dr Jyun-Ichi Ohnishi (RIKEN Nishina center) Dr Akira Goto (KEK IMSS)

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