21–27 Aug 2019
Wako/Hongo Campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Development of Strip Readout Parallel Plate Avalanche Counter

24 Aug 2019, 18:05
Wako/Hongo Campus

Wako/Hongo Campus

Hirosawa 2-1, Wako, 351-0198, Saitama (Wako) Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo 113-0033, Tokyo (Hongo)


Mr Shutaro Hanai (CNS)


In a nuclear physics study using high intensity RI beam, high resolution position and timing detector is required for particle discrimination. We are developing Parallel Plate Avalanche
Counter directory and independently reading out signals from strip electrodes, Strip Readout PPAC(SR-PPAC). It has no delay and high position resolution corresponding to strip size and charge resolution, and it is also stable even in high intensity beam without multi-hit. In this presentation, we report the evaluation of SR-PPAC through the results of
the previous experiments conducted in HIMAC in Chiba.
It is going to be implemented at RI Beam Factory at RIKEN towards the measurement of 132 Sn (p, p) for the study of the neutron skin.

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