21–27 Aug 2019
Wako/Hongo Campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Optimal collectvie coordinate in nulcear collective dynamics

23 Aug 2019, 16:55
Wako/Hongo Campus

Wako/Hongo Campus

Hirosawa 2-1, Wako, 351-0198, Saitama (Wako) Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo 113-0033, Tokyo (Hongo)
oral presentation Young Scientist Session 2


Kai Wen (Tsukuba University)


Collective reaction paths for fusion reactions are microscopically determined on the basis of the adiabatic self-consistent collective coordinate (ASCC) method. This path is maximally decoupled from other intrinsic degrees of freedom. The reaction paths turn out to deviate from those obtained with standard mean-field calculations with constraints on quadrupole and octupole moments. The potentials and inertial masses defined in the ASCC method are calculated along the reaction paths, which leads to the collective Hamiltonian used for calculation of the subbarrier fusion cross sections.

Primary author

Kai Wen (Tsukuba University)

Presentation materials

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