Low-energy nuclear physics opportunities in Korea

8 Mar 2023, 09:30
Plaza Verde Convension Hall B (Numazu, Shizuoka)

Plaza Verde Convension Hall B

Numazu, Shizuoka



Prof. Kevin Hahn (CENS, IBS)


The radioactive ion (RI) beam accelerator facility called RAON is under construction in
It will produce RI beams by the ISOL and In-flight methods as well as stable beams. One of
the experimental facilities called KoBRA is expected to carry out nuclear astrophysics and
nuclear structure experiments in the early phase of RAON. Several experiments using both
stable and RI beams of tens of MeV/u are considered for nuclear astrophysics and nuclear
reaction studies. Several detector systems and experimental devices are being developed by
the IBS Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies (CENS). One of the main detectors is an active
target TPC detector called ATOM-X. It will be used for low energy experiments, such as
alpha elastic scattering and the (a,p) reaction related to nuclear astrophysics. We are also
constructing a gas target and silicon detector systems that can be used to study nuclear
reaction and structure studies by (p,d), (p,t), (d,p), (3He,t) etc. HPGe clover detectors and
their support structure for gamma-ray spectroscopy are under construction. We are also
developing a Wien filter, which will be installed in the KoBRA beam line. Status of the
RAON accelerator and research activities at CENS will be discussed.

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