16–20 Aug 2021
Asia/Tokyo timezone

ISGMR measurement in Xe isotope with CAT-M

19 Aug 2021, 16:15


Fumitaka Endo (Tohoku Univ)


The nuclear matter compressibility ($K_{\tau}$) is an important physical quantity that can directly determine a part of the equation of state of nuclear matter. In order to determine $K_{\tau}$ with high accuracy, it is indispensable to determine the compressibility of many nuclei ($K_{\mathrm{A}}$). We have been developing an active target CAT-M for the purpose of systematic measurement of an isoscalar giant monopole resonance (ISGMR).
In this study, we performed a ISGMR measurement using the $^{136}$Xe (d, d') reaction as the first measurement of systematic measurements with the Xe isotope. A dipole magnet was newly introduced into CAT-M for eliminate the delta rays by high intensity heavy ion beam in the experiment. Moreover a Mini TPC that has 10$\times$30$\times$30mm$^3$ active volume , was introduced for measure the beam angle. We will report the outline of the experiment.

Experimental nuclear physics 1

Primary author

Fumitaka Endo (Tohoku Univ)

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