16–20 Aug 2021
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Nuclide identification algorithm for polyvinyl toluene scintillation detector based on artificial neural network

19 Aug 2021, 15:30


Mr Cao Van Hiep (Vietnam Military Institute of Chemical and Environmetal Engineering)


Radiation Portal Monitors (RPMs) are highly sensitive fixed installation systems designed to detect illicit radioactive material trafficking. RPMs are typically installed with detectors that have a high detection efficiency, such as plastic detectors. However, due to these detectors' limited energy resolution, radioisotope identification from their spectra is often not of interest. This research describes a radioisotope identification technique based on an artificial neural network that was applied to the gamma spectrum received from the large-size EJ-200 plastic detector. The simulated gamma spectra using MCNP-5 are used to generate the training data set. With an Exact Match Ratio of 98.8 percent, this method can precisely detect a single or mixture of radioisotopes in the gamma spectrum. In addition, the model can analyses gamma spectrum with up to 10% gain shift, up to 40° incident angle, and sealed source with good precision. This study also presents the model's sensitivity to each isotope in order to attain a True Positive rate of 95%. For radioisotopes detection, this model is usable on RPMs employing a large-size EJ-200 plastic scintillation detector.

Experimental nuclear physics 1

Primary authors

Mr Cao Van Hiep (Vietnam Military Institute of Chemical and Environmetal Engineering) Dr Dinh Tien Hung (Vietnam Military Instutute of Chemical and Environmental Engineering)

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